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Multi Cloud Architecture

Multi-cloud defines a single heterogeneous architecture to improve cloud infrastructure capabilities and cost by picking and choosing cloud assets, software, applications across multiple cloud vendors.

The approach ensures that there are no vendor lock-ins, and ensures more open standards and adoption of services that are less proprietary.

Multi-Cloud is the superset of multiple public cloud, hybrid, on-premises, and edge. A multi-cloud deployment model relies on the use of more than one public cloud service provider for compute or storage resources, independent of the use of other private cloud or on-premises infrastructure. A multi-cloud deployment that includes private cloud or on-premises infrastructure is considered a hybrid multi-cloud.

Netzary’s vision on IT infrastructure architecture is driven by the multi-cloud approach. We are vendor agnostic and believe that no single cloud provider or no single model can provide you the perfect balance.

Benefits of Multi Cloud architecture includes

High availability
Multi Cloud provides redundancy and protection for an organization’s services and data storage against security threats and outages. If one cloud is unavailable, other clouds remain online to run applications and service users.
Multi Cloud offers organizations the choice and flexibility of selecting the “best” of each cloud type to suit their particular business needs, economics, locations, and timing. Typically, organizations use several different clouds to manage their data, infrastructure, and applications. Organizations can avoid ‘vendor lock-in’ if they use multi cloud wisely to maintain application and data portability.
Cost effectiveness
Multi Cloud enables organizations to best control their economics, weighing capital and operational expenditures, and taking advantage of public cloud and infrastructure vendors competing on price. By using a public cloud service, organizations can also deliver additional functionality to their customers without having to hire personnel or spend their own time managing the service and all its dependencies. Additionally, by planning service capacity allocation through the multicloud, organizations can optimize costs for specific service-level requirements and elastic scale.